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How to Make Mattress Over White Again

How to clean mattress stains naturally without bleach in 10 minutes! Easy green cleaning hack great for cushions, upholstery, & clothing too!

I never EVER thought I would be writing about "how to clean mattress stains"! After all, this blog is about beautiful DIYs and delicious recipes. Mattress stains? They never happen here!

Or do they? Our waterproof mattress covers have kept all our mattresses perfect like new. UNTIL a moving day when our guest queen mattress fell on the ground and acquired a few muddy spots. No big deal, I'll just put some soap on the spots and clean the mattress stains with a rag!

I. Was. WRONG. After my two attempts, the mattress stains grew from a few tiny spots, to huge patches of cloud like patterns that reminds you of something much worse than mud or soap! HORROR!

* Some resources in article are affiliate links. Full disclosure here .

Luckily I was able to find the magic DIY green cleaner that completely cleaned the mattress stains in 10 minutes! It saved us from even thinking about using any bleach, and made the mattress look fresh and new again! This green cleaning method also works great on cushions, and even tough stains on clothing!

I realized that the question of "how to clean mattress stains" is actually worth writing about, among all the beautiful arts and crafts here. I will share with you this amazing green cleaning process, and 3 things you should NOT do when trying to clean mattress stains!

How to clean mattress stains in 10 minutes, naturally!

When my two attempts failed, our mattress looked like this. ( I don't have any photos of the original muddy spots , because I was so confident that cleaning a mattress is easy! ) I was feeling hopeless because it seems to get worse each time I try! Thankfully after reading a bunch of articles on cleaning a mattress naturally, I gave it one more try, and it worked like magic! Below are closeups photos of before and after.

Reference point: you can see the black scratch mark on the upper right corner in the before photo, and it's almost gone on the lower left corner in the after photo. I modified some of the mattress cleaning recipes and processes based on online research , and what I have learned from my two failures.

IMPORTANT: work in a ventilated space because there is definitely some reactions taking place!

Materials to clean mattress stains:

( Some of the helpful resources are affiliate links. Full disclosure here. )

I used a 16 oz spray bottle, clear natural liquid dish soap ( without added coloring ) , baking soda, and 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Related: Homemade effective green cleaning products and free printable recipe labels!

How to make all natural, super effective & low cost green cleaning products easily. Download free printable recipe labels to easily make your own in future! - A Piece Of Rainbow

Homemade effective green cleaning products and free printable recipe labels!

Step 1: Spray mattress with diluted dish soap

Fill the 16 oz bottle with water and add 1 teaspoon of dish soap. Mix well and spray the entire mattress. The key here is to cover the surface of the mattress, use your hand and check to make sure there are NO DRY SPOTS! More on this at the end in "3 Things Not to Do" section.

You will likely use 1 to 2 bottles of the 16 oz water and soap mixture to spray an entire queen mattress. Work fast and move on to the next step while the mattress is damp.

Step 2: Spray mattress with diluted hydrogen peroxide

Fill the 16 oz bottle with half water and half 3% hydrogen peroxide . Again, mix well and spray the entire mattress. Spray a little extra on the stained areas.

Step 3: Dust mattress with baking soda.

While the mattress is damp, evenly dust the entire surface with baking soda. You will need 2-3 cups of baking soda for a queen mattress. Use a clean rag to spread the baking soda so it forms a thin layer of paste over the mattress surface.

The entire process will take less than 10 minutes. As you spread the baking soda, you can already see the mattress stains become lighter! Because there is a reaction taking place, work fast and keep windows open. Leave the room and let the baking soda dry overnight.

A reader asked about how to make sure the mattress is thoroughly dry. Here's another tip: ours were quite dry the next day, because it's a dry environment here, and the baking soda also helps to draw out moisture. But if you are unsure, you can leave a fan on to speed up the air circulation on top of the mattress surface.

The next day, you will return to a sparkly clean mattress! Sweep the dried baking soda off the mattress surface and enjoy your like-new mattress! It is OK if a little baking soda remains on the mattress.

Do add a good quality water proof mattress protector though!

Now that you have a gorgeous mattress, how about a beginner friendly DIY bed frame with headboard?

How to build a beautiful DIY bed frame & wood headboard easily. Free DIY bed plan & variations on king, queen & twin size bed, best natural wood finishes, and lots of helpful tips! - A Piece of Rainbow

DIY bed frame with headboard: free plans!

3 things NOT to do when trying to clean mattress stains:

1 . Do not spot clean mattress stains.

This was what I did. Day one, I used soap to clean the few muddy spots, and ended up with bigger areas of water and soap and dirt marks. Day two, I used soap and baking soda, according to some recipes on line, the stains got even bigger.

The key here is to spray the entire surface of the mattress with no dry spots, which means no watermarks later!

2 . Do not use bleach to clean mattress stains.

Bleach is really harsh on fabrics. Since we can't run the entire mattress underwater to rinse off the bleach, it can also be harmful to air quality in the bedroom.

3 . Do not use soap that contain harsh chemicals or colors.

Choose a clear natural liquid dish soap.Some soaps have colors, which means they could tint your mattress.

In addition to cleaning mattress stains, this recipe and process is also great for cleaning carpet stains, yoga mat, certain upholstery, etc.

Having a clean home is an essential part of having a beautiful home! Here are a couple of green cleaning tutorials you may love: Homemade effective green cleaning products and free printable recipe labels!

How to make all natural, super effective & low cost green cleaning products easily. Download free printable recipe labels to easily make your own in future! - A Piece Of Rainbow

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