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How Does Bobby Get to Walk Again Supernatural

Nosotros sometimes take our support systems for granted, forgetting that they should office as two-way streets. Final dark, we explored this concept through the eyes of the Winchesters' papa-by-proxy Bobby Singer. In fact, this week'south episode of Supernatural (directed by Jensen Ackles!) showed us that more people depend on Bobby than nosotros realized — audience included!

(Psst…much more than on starting time-time episode helmsman Ackles in a bit.)

As you remember, at the end of last season, Bobby sold his soul to Crowley (current Male monarch of Hell) in exchange for information nigh expiry'due south whereabouts and a pair of fully performance legs. We learned this calendar week via flashback that he had tried to get it back later Sam's swan dive into hell. (Does anyone else nonetheless become a lump in their throat referring to that scene?). His efforts to reclaim his soul were unsuccessful, nevertheless, because he had disregarded some precariously placed fine print in his contract. Crowley — being a demon and all — went dorsum on his word and told him he had ten years to live. (By the style, Bobby's mocking of Crowley earned him five cool points. Too bad they were revoked after he killed the "Balls!" joke, salted its bones, and set information technology aflame.)

Back in present twenty-four hour period, Dean was digging through guts in wide daylight as children played nearby. (Dark sense of humour, how I love thee.) He found a hook inside the torso and promptly mailed a picture to Bobby (who still has dial-upward!) for ID. Later on hours of tireless inquiry and a few eff yousouthward from life (all played hilariously by Jim Beaver), Bobby discovered that the hook was from a Lamia, a Grecian creature that — until and so — had stayed in Greece. The oddness of the state of affairs connected this season'southward Monsters Become Nuts storyline.

By at present, I call up we all have to acknowledge the presence of a pattern — monsters are non acting as they usually do. I wish the writers would realize it's non necessary to take several episodes to beat a point into us. Supe fans are smart and catch on quickly to plot set-ups and overarching story arcs. It's nearly due time for some answers, no? Whatever kind of movement is appreciated. I'll even settle for a hint.

Meanwhile, Bobby would take settled for a uncomplicated Thank you lot from Dean and Sam for his efforts, just much to his badgerer, those words never came. He didn't have time to ponder his acrimony likewise much, though, since he had a demon in the basement to attend to. He tortured a scantily-clad hell bot for information on Crowley by burning her basic with a torch, which apparently affects demons much like it would a ghost. (Burn the basic; they burn, too.)

It struck me as a little odd that they played this as a big mystery in the episode. When Bobby said "These are yours," I causeless he meant bones and wondered why they hadn't shown them. Then, I realized information technology was supposed to be a build up to a big reveal. At that point, I became a picayune annoyed that this was such a sudden, fairly large change in the mythology nosotros know about demons. Anyone else have a similar response?

Also strange was the cobbler-blistering neighbor's beat out on Bobby. In fact, Bobby seemed as perplexed as I was by the whole thing. I had gotten so accustomed to his surly front, that I never really idea of him making a dear connection. Caught me by surprise — but in skilful mode. I liked Marcy. I secretly hoped it was her calling Bobby at the finish of the episode. He did, after all, save her life.

NEXT: When blood-spray horror happens to white nightgowns.

Yeah, aside from helping the Winchesters (and an unabridged network of hunters) via phone, Bobby was as well busy helping Rufus and saving people. Information technology all started when Rufus (who we last saw in "Adept God, Y'all") came into boondocks with the body of a Japanese Okami in tow. He and Bobby buried it, believing information technology to exist dead, but it wasn't. (E'er stab a few extra times, but to be sure. And you tin can catalogue that advice under "Things that should just be repeated in Supernatual context.")

Instead, the creature rose from the grave and went to feed. It preferred white females with a side of Dijon. Cue Bobby (and a wood chipper) to the rescue! He saved Marcy, only, um, apparently ruined his chances for a engagement after the beast's blood splattered Marcy. (Did anyone else go a chill-inducing Mary Winchester vibe from seeing her stand there in a claret-covered white nightgown?) So she didn't arroyo him again and that was sad. Bobby deserves a little happiness.

Meanwhile, Dean and Sam ran into Lamia troubles. The priest who was supposed to bless their dagger ran into some, well, death and couldn't complete his chore. Despite dealing with his ain troubles (in the form of a visit from a fed who was looking for Rufus) Bobby helped them out of the scrape.

And then came Bobby'due south plow to get-go asking others for assist. He asked Rufus to help him obtain a ring that belonged to Crowley'due south son, who was born to pre-Demon Crowley, so-named Fergus MacLeod. At beginning, we idea he wanted to summon Crowley's spawn as a bargaining chip, simply Bobby had a more clever thought.

After that night, Dean called Bobby to air his mounting concerns nearly Sam. I've always been a fan of the Dean-seeking-Bobby phone calls, and this was no exception, especially when Bobby told the brothers off.

You lot see, Rufus ran into some troubles while stealing the band from an exhibit, and the cops were on his tail. He chosen while Bobby was on the telephone with Dean, who was "baring his soul like a freaking girl," and Dean was annoyed by the intermission. After hanging up with Rufus and returning to petulant Dean, Bobby laid the smack down on the brothers via speakerphone. "Sam, Dean, I honey you lot like my own. I practise. But sometimes — sometimes, you two are the whiniest, almost self-absorbed sons of bitches I've ever met…"

The whole scene was fantastic, with highest marks going to Sam for his reaction to Bobby'south statement that he's tired of them calling to bitch almost each other. Without proverb a discussion, you could see Sam say to Bobby, "…but, I've never called you to bitch most…oh."

In the end, the boys told Bobby that all he had to do was ask for their assist. "Annihilation you need, we're at that place," they told him. We knew that to be true; we knew how the boys felt nigh him. Just Bobby needed to hear it. Sometimes, you lot but need a reminder. We found out later that Bobby cashed in that favor in a big way.

Rufus was extradited to South Dakota on a fake murder accuse and so that Bobby could get the band from him — and disinfect it, equally it had taken a tour of Rufus' intestinal tract. He used it to summon MacLeod Jr. and get valuable information on Crowley — non to trade him as we had been led to believe. Bobby learned — amongst other unsavory data about what Crowley asked for when making his deal hundreds of years agone (Hint: size mattered a lot to Fergus MacLeod) — where Crowley'southward bones were buried. In fact, Dean and Sam were IN Scotland ready to torch them if Crowley didn't give Bobby is soul dorsum.

NEXT: Let'south talk about Director Jensen Ackles.

Supernatural went international!

Needless to say, Bobby got his soul dorsum (and kept his repaired legs!). Crowley went to Scotland to retrieve his bones. And we learned that Dean still does not like flying.

At present, on to first-time managing director Ackles. Showtime off, let's face it: Even though he was sitting backside the lens during this episode, it was — at its core — supposed to exist a seamless transition, and for the most role that was the case. He did a adept job of staying true to what he and the fans know the show to be, and at the same time, he added a tiny piece of his indicate of view. For that, I'thousand glad. Had the episode seemed dramatically different in whatever mode, it wouldn't have felt right. He didn't endeavour to brand this about making his mark; he fabricated it about the show, the art. I loved that!

That said, I felt like there were more cutaways than I was used to seeing. The camera was a fleck all over the place during the fight scene in the church and during the wood chipper scene. Those were tough scenes in general. But to exist honest, I think I only noticed because I was paying extra attention. That couldn't be helped — the Ackles factor was sitting in the back of my heed merely equally I'm sure it was sitting in yours.

The only other matter is that I would take liked to see a little thank y'all to the fans in the episode from Ackles — in the form of some gratuitous nudity, of course. Merely I suppose that is asking a lot. Overall, I give him an A-, and non because he's Jensen Ackles. I genuinely enjoyed the Bobby-centric episode more I thought I would.

Getting back to the episode, I take some more questions: What did you retrieve well-nigh the episode? Did you lot, likewise, relish it more than than you lot thought you would? How would y'all rate Ackles as a director? What are your thoughts on King Crowley? Mythology-wise, did the os-burning issues you lot a trivial? And about importantly, practise you love when people call Sam "Moose"? Weigh in below.


Bobby: I'm a little busy.

Dean: Then kick Bo Derek out of your bathtub. We got a case hither.

Neighbor Marcy: Hey, have you seen Drag Me to Hell?

Bobby: Trying to avert it.

Fed to Bobby: Have yous seen this homo? Rufus Turner, aka Luther Vandross, aka Ruben Studdard?

Bobby: Do I expect similar Dr. Phil to you?

Crowley: A little.

Crowley: I'll save you lot the recap. In fact, I'll do the shorthand for you. [Imitating Bobby] I want my soul back, idjit. [Every bit self] Afraid not. [Imitating Bobby] But I'chiliad surly and have a bristles. Gimme! [Every bit self] Blah blah blah. Homespun cornpone insult. Witty retort from yours truly. The lesser line is, you get bupkis.

Dean to Crowley: Did you actually used to wear a skirt?

Crowley to Sam: I don't need yous to fight my battle for me, Moose.

Dean: You've been cleaning upward our messes for years, Bobby. Without you, I don't even want to think nearly where me and Sam would take ended upwardly.

Bobby: [Pause] Okay, so. Let's curl credits on this chick flick.

Gush with me about the preview for next week on Twitter: @EWSandraG.

THINK OF YOUR TELEVISION Equally A VITAL MEMBER OF THE FAMILY? And so don't miss this week'due south TV Insiders podcast! Michael Ausiello, Michael Slezak, Annie Barrett, Dalton Ross, and Jeff Jensen weigh in on the returning series that are hit artistic peaks this season, and dish the latest happenings on Mad Men, Survivor, and Dancing With the Stars. Click here to download the podcast to your MP3 role player, or listen to a YouTube embed below!

Episode Recaps

Devil'south Bargain


Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki star every bit the Winchester brothers, hellbent on battling the paranormal forces of evil.

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